Yvonne Taylor

Yvonne Taylor

Lead Product Analyst


Yvonne is the Lead Product Analyst at Finty. She likes nothing better than digging into the details of the latest card offers, so that she can provide visitors to the website with an accurate and comprehensive review of the card products available, including tips for maximising benefits and the occasional word of caution for avoiding potential pitfalls.

She graduated from Oxford University with a Masters Degree in English Language and Literature, then went on to complete a professional accounting qualification with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (UK). During her accounting career she worked for a variety of multinational companies, including 3M, ICI/Dulux and Hitachi.

After serving as Chief Financial Officer of Hitachi Australia, Yvonne withdrew from active involvement as a senior accountant in industry in order to concentrate on developing a career as a writer. She has had articles published in Australian magazines (as Rosetta Taylor) and broadcast on Australian national radio.

Her dual skills as wordsmith and accountant allow her to present financial topics clearly, and she enjoys reducing sometimes complex subject matter into terms that are easily understood.