Jessica Alba is one of the most well-known starlets in the Hollywood stable. She’s been in everything from movies to TV shows. She has also found success off the silver screen, running a highly successful business, “The Honest Company,” with a billion dollar valuation. Her time is spent building the company’s brand and developing innovative products.
Alba’s lifestyle is what you would expect from a busy mom / businesswoman. She wakes up early, looks after her kids, sets her priorities for the day, gets things done, and goes to bed at a reasonable time.
This is what a day in the life of Jessica Alba looks like.

Inside Jessica Alba's daily routine
The typical day starts early. She habitually wakes up at 5:30 am after years of early starts on Hollywood sets. Her kids sometimes wake her up before her alarm.
Famed for her meticulous skincare routine, she washes and moisturizes her face using Honest Company products in the morning.
Alba is no fan of the gym, and has something to eat before working out. She’ll typically have some gluten-free avocado toast or a smoothie with coconut water to keep it light in the morning. She also likes a cup of coffee with almond milk along with her breakfast.
Spin class or a hot yoga session is how she stays in shape. She isn’t crazy about working out, but knows it’s necessary to maintain her body and lifestyle. In an interview with People magazine, she said sees the benefits of exercise as more mental than physical: “It’s hard to motivate myself, but it’s like medicine and makes me feel mentally better.” [1]
After working out, she freshens up and gets ready for the office. A self-confessed workaholic, Alba will be walking through the office doors by 9 am.
She founded her company a decade ago with the goal of providing men and women with high-quality skincare and beauty products they can trust. It’s a goal she has pursued relentlessly, setting the company’s direction at the board level.
Balancing her family and work commitments is not easy on her mental and physical health, but she says she pushes hard every day to make the most of every opportunity she gets. She meditates to clear her headspace several times throughout the workday.
Her day at the office finishes around 4 pm when she goes home to the family for some more quality time with the kids before bed. By the time she arrives home, the kids have finished their homework responsibilities, and they’re getting ready for dinner.
By 6 pm, the family will be having their evening meal. Alba sticks to a clean diet that sustains both her and her family. She works with a nutrition coach, avoiding foods that cause inflammation, basing her meals around protein, healthy fats, and vegetables or fruit.
After dinner, she spends time with the kids until they get tired and turn in for bed around 8 pm. She’ll use the rest of the evening to relax before getting into the bathroom to remove her makeup. The actress says she never gets lazy and leaves it on, making it a habit to complete her skincare routine each day.
If she’s traveling, she uses removal wipes and if she’s at home, she’ll always use a cleanser and finish with a deep hydration face serum or cream.
Bedtime is around 10 pm, and she’s asleep by around 10:30 pm on most work nights.
Article sources
1 People. “Jessica Alba Sometimes Gets Up at 5 a.m. for Spin Class — But She Is Not Here for Celery Juice,”. March 13, 2019.