Bobby Shmurda's net worth is about $400,000.
Early life
Acquille Jean Pollard, known by his stage name Bobby Shmurda, was born on 4 August 1994 in Miami. His mother was from Trinidad and Tobago and his father is from Jamaica. His family moved to New York when he was a child.
Shmurda attended high school in New York and then went to college but he never completed his degree.
Family Life
Bobby Shmurda was born in Miami, Florida and is a rapper from Brooklyn, New York.

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How did Bobby Shmurda build his net worth?
Bobby Shmurda's primary source of income comes from the sales of his rap music.
Shmurda became famous off his 2014 viral track Hot N***a which has amassed close to 1 billion views on YouTube.
He also has a large following from his music, which has led to a number of endorsement deals and TV appearances.
How have Bobby Shmurda spent his wealth?
Not much is known about how Shmurda spends his wealth, other than that he loves his jewelry.

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How rich is Bobby Shmurda?
Bobby Shmurda's net worth is about $400,000.
Is Bobby Shmurda a millionaire?
Bobby Shmurda has not generated enough revenue to become a millionaire.
Was Bobby Shmurda born rich?
No, he was not born rich.
Image: Wikimedia