The estimated net worth of Dan Bongino is $10 million.

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Early life
Daniel John Bongino was born on 04 December 1974 in Queens, New York. His mother and father were both American.
Bongino attended Archbishop Molloy High School and then went to Queens College, New York. He later received his Master's Degree in Business Administration from the Penn State University.
Family Life
Dan Bongino, a New York native, resides in Palm City, Florida, with his family.

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How did Dan Bongino build his net worth?
Dan is an ex-cop and ex-secret service agent turned author and speaker.
He worked for the NYPD, up until 1995, earning a $42,000 salary.
Bongino left the NYPD before he was eligible for a pay increase and decided to move on to a career as a Secret Service agent. As a member of the Secret Service, Dan received a $138,895 annual salary before becoming an instructor with the Secret Service Training Academy.
In 2006, after a term as an instructor, Dan was called to President George W. Bush’s Presidential Protection Unit, where he earned a $200,000 annual salary.
He resigned from the Secret Service in 2011 after disliking the policy discussions he overheard during his time working for the Obama administration.
He left his post with an honorable discharge, going on to become an author.
In 2013, Dan published his first book, 'Life Inside the Bubble.'
It was an NYT bestseller, encouraging him to write his second book, 'Exonerated' in 2016.
However, there is controversy around the book reaching the NYT bestseller list.
Some people claim the book did not make the 40,000 sales requirement to reach the list.
Some argue that Dan bought the books himself to boost sales.
If so, he would have had to spend an impressive amount of money, as purchasing 46,000 copies at a retail price of $28 per book would set him back over $1.25 million.
Dan Bongino Quote
I didn't want to be a man of words but of action.

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How rich is Dan Bongino?
Dan Bongino has a net worth of $10 million.
Is Dan Bongino a millionaire?
Yes, Dan Bongino has a net worth of $10 million.
Was Dan Bongino born rich?
Dan Bongino worked hard to become wealthy. His net worth is a result of his own work.
Image: Flickr