The estimated net worth of Shia Labeouf is $25 million.

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Early life
Shia LaBeouf was born in Los Angeles, California on 11 June 1986. His father, Jeffrey, served in the Vietnam war and is a professional clown. His mother, Shayna, was a dancer and is a visual artist and jewelry designer.
Shia Labeouf attended Alexander Hamilton High School and then attended University of Southern California where he attained a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theater.
Family Life
Labeouf lives in Pasadena, California with his current partner actress and model, Mia Goth.

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How did Shia Labeouf build his net worth?
Growing up poor, Labeouf had to start working at an early age of 10 as a stand-up comedian.
He was almost adopted by his uncle just because his parents who were divorced could not provide for him anymore.
However, Labeouf worked his way out of poverty and has supported his parents financially even until now.
Shia Labeouf built his fortune through his career as a Hollywood actor.
However, in recent years, he took on a career as an activist after the election of Donald Trump in 2016.
Many people close to the actor say he's dealing with mental health issues.
Shia debuted his Hollywood career in the 2006 movie "Bobby," landing a salary of $400,00 for the role.
Labeouf won critical acclaim for his role in the 2007 movie "Disturbia," earning $400,000 for the role.
He would also star in "Surf's Up," with his voiceover skills earning him another $400,000 for the movie.
In 2008, he starred in "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," earning $8 million for his role in "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" in 2010.
Reportedly, Shia earned $750,000 for his role in the first "Transformers" movie.
However, he received a significant bum to $5 million for the second movie and $15 million for the third.
He turned down another $15 million, refusing a role in the franchise's fourth installment.
Shia Labeouf Quote
Adversity has a way of introducing a man to himself
How has Shia Labeouf spent his wealth?
Shia also has some real estate to his name.
He paid $5.475 million for his Pasadena home in California.
He also bought a $1.8 million home in Sherman Oaks, California, but sold it for $2.25 million in 2020.

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How rich is Shia Labeouf?
Shilou Labeouf's net worth is approximately $25 million.
Is Shia Labeouf a millionaire?
Shia LaBeouf is a millionaire with a net worth of $25 million.
Is Shia Labeouf broke?
No. Not any more.
Was Shia Labeouf born rich?
No. Shia Labeouf grew up in an impoverished environment. In fact, Labeouf has said that he grew up very poor, and used his imagination to pretend he was rich by appearing in front of the few houses on his block, acting as if he was rich and famous.
Image: Flickr