The estimated net worth of Sommer Ray is $8 million.

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Early life
Sommer Ray was born in Denver, Colorado on the 15 September, 1997. She has 3 siblings. Her mother is Czechoslovakian and her father is American.
Sommer Ray was a homeschooled kid and later got involved with fitness modelling.
Family Life
Sommer lives in Los Angeles with her daughter. She's currently pregnant with her second child and dating Max Ehrich. She was previously in a relationship with Machine Gun Kelly.

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How did Sommer Ray build his net worth?
Sommer Ray is a professional model and she has earned the majority of her wealth from modeling, acting, and leveraging her social media accounts on YouTube and Instagram for lucrative brand deals and endorsements.
Sommer Ray serves as a fitness inspiration to her followers and subscribers. Aside from regularly uploading fitness videos, she also launched a fitness app called Evolve Fitness.
She is also the founder of her own clothing merchandise company, Sommer Ray Collection and skincare brand Imarais Beauty.
Sommer Ray Quote
Our whole role in life after being given this power is to motivate and inspire so that's what I want to do.
How have Sommer Ray spent his wealth?
Sommer reportedly owns a $1.5 million house in San Fernando Valley, California.
She also owns a number of luxury vehicles including a Mercedes GLE 53 AMG, Jeep Ribicon, and Lamborghini Avantador.

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How rich is Sommer Ray?
Sommer Ray's net worth is $8 million. To catch up with Sommer Ray, around 150 fans on the average US salary would have to work a whole year.
How much does Sommer Ray make per post?
If you want Sommer to promote your product to her 26+ million followers businesses will need to fork out $86,000 per post.
Is Sommer Ray a millionaire?
Yes, Sommer Ray has a net worth of $8 million.
Is Sommer Ray broke?
Sommer Ray has not filed for bankruptcy. She is not broke.
Was Sommer Ray born rich?
Sommer Ray was born into modest means, and built her wealth through her own hard work.
Image: Instagram