President Biden has been in politics for most of his adult life, becoming a Senator at 29. Now, as President of the United States, he spends most of his time in the White House and the Oval Office.
As President of the United States, Joe Biden's life is anything but routine as he has to make many domestic and international trips. Meetings and phone calls happen according to the business of the day.
He has, however, managed to maintain some of his daily routines, like working out and phoning his son, despite what one reporter called the "extreme scripting and almost surreal regimentation" of his days.
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Joe Biden is up every day before eight in the morning. He starts the day with a workout, weight lifting while watching the news, or meeting with his personal trainer. Biden's predecessor, President Donald Trump, was an avid consumer of TV news in the mornings too. Then, he goes through a daily news bulletin before leaving home. He usually has a protein shake for breakfast.
Just after 9 am, he heads for the Oval office to start the day with phone calls, meetings, and a daily security brief with Vice President Kamala Harris.
The President has a notoriously sweet tooth and keeps sweet treats in the Oval Office for an occasional snack. He occasionally walks through White House gardens with his dogs — both are German Shepherds — throughout the day.
Failure at some point in your life is inevitable, but giving up is unforgivable. ~Joe Biden
President Biden generally has a light lunch of salad and grilled chicken or a bowl of soup washed down with his favorite drink, a Gatorade or Coke Zero. He often has lunch with former President Obama and Kamala Harris. Biden carries a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a protein bar if he's on the run, as he often is.
In the afternoon, he usually has several meetings with his top advisors. He may also spend time speaking to heads of state.
President Biden heads home at about 7 pm. He has dinner with his wife and chats about his day in the office. After dinner, he makes calls to various advisors.
He ends every day with a call to his son, Hunter, who has struggled with an addiction problem over the years. If Hunter fails to answer, he sends him a text message instead.
Life is a matter of really tough choices. ~Joe Biden